Global methane emissions automatically detected in satellite imagery using AI

Methane is particularly targeted for curbing greenhouse gas emissions because its significant global-warming potential in the short term exceeds carbon dioxide by over 80-fold. However, monitoring methane emissions and compiling their quantities have been challenging due to limiting trade-offs with existing detection methods. Researchers developed a method to automatically detect methane emissions at a global

Insights into protein evolution | ScienceDaily

Rice University’s Peter Wolynes and his research team have unveiled a breakthrough in understanding how specific genetic sequences, known as pseudogenes, evolve. Their paper was published May 13 by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Led by Wolynes, the D.R. Bullard-Welch Foundation Professor of Science, professor of chemistry, biosciences and physics and astronomy

Breakthrough in hemostasis and wound healing research

A breakthrough study, published in Science Translational Medicine, features a biomedical engineering innovation with the potential to transform trauma care and surgical practices. Chapman University’s Fowler School of Engineering Founding Dean and Professor, Andrew Lyon, is a member of this multidisciplinary, multi-university scientific research team developing platelet-like particles that integrate into the body’s clotting pathways